Game convention season is upon us! This year, along with thousands of other game, film, and music fans, we’re heading across the Pacific Ocean to attend SXSW in Austin, Texas.
Since attending its inaugural Sydney event last year, we just can’t get enough of this amazing festival. Thanks to some fantastic support from Invest NSW, we’ll have the opportunity to attend many international events in 2024. And we’re kicking off the year in Texas from Friday, 8 March 2024, to Saturday, 16 March 2024.
Attending SXSW is a fantastic opportunity for an indie game studio based in Australia. We've been working tirelessly for months, preparing two of our games to showcase at events across the USA. We bring our love and passion for impact games and hope to see you there.

One of the games we are excited to show off is our favourite clawed deity, Crab God, alongside our new publisher - Firesquid!
Our co-founder, Nico King, will attend events and networking gatherings at and around the convention. If you spot the Chaos Theory jacket, go up and say hi! He will be scoping new project opportunities for Chaos Theory and chatting about the games industry and the power of transformational games.